![](http://hisuinowa.web.fc2.com/hisuinowa/juunikirin/as-yohko1.jpg) | 難しめに訳すと「遠方からの請願」とか「嘆願」ですかね?(笑)私は北米在住ですので、DVDは勿論こちら版なのですが(リージョンコードの莫迦ー!)こちらでも漸く「東の海神〜」までのリリースが終わりました。でもやっぱり「黄昏の岸 暁の天」のストーリーもアニメで観たいです…。
The Twelve Kingdoms has perhaps the most intriguing storyline of any anime or novel I've ever read... sure, it's a bit hard to grasp all the terminology at first (especially when it's in English), but once you get past that, the settings and the storyline really grabs hold of you and doesn't let go! The "Shores of Dusk, Skies of Dawn" (Tasogare no kishi, akatsuki no sora) arc delves even further into the mysteries of the Twelve Kingdoms world, and it's a must-see! I really hope that arc can be made into anime (and released outside Japan as well)... |
No.67 - 2005/04/29(Fri) 03:07:43 [S0106000625d8299c.vn.shawcable.net] Opera/7.53 (Windows NT 5.1; U) [ja]