[ ŒfŽ¦”‚ɖ߂é ]


š \“ñš ‹Lã‹ã”吧!! / —k˜®婷 [Asia]
ŋ߉ä”cˆÈo”Å“I\“ñš ‹L‰õŠÅŠ®—¹,ŠÒ“™•s“žVì,^¥—ßlS>"<,¬–쬈·‰õ樉䂋»ˆê‰º吧~~~(’ñ•M吧~XD)
No.1373 - 2008/04/11(Fri) 23:30:15 [211-75-91-5.HINET-IP.hinet.net]
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Alexa Toolbar; mxie; Foxy/1; FunWebProducts; KKman3.0; Foxy/1)
š Kirin / Lan
I want to watch the sequel of twelve kingdoms anime!!!
No.1372 - 2008/04/11(Fri) 19:43:14 [user61-53.enet.vn]
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/
š (No Subject) / Bobbrok [Europe]
id realy love to see the sequel.
No.1371 - 2008/04/09(Wed) 06:49:51 [p5B11C838.dip.t-dialin.net]
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/
š Please make the sequel to it / Eduardus Bramono
I've just bought an original DVD for my region for this title and I must say I'm impressed with the quality of the story, and mostly how the anime imported the story from the novel. As I know the author of the novel from her other work (Ghost hunt) I would say it's worth to make the sequel for the rest of the (unanimated) novel. I'm sure that there are tons of this series fans waiting for it out there.

No.1370 - 2008/04/09(Wed) 00:51:42 [ppp-gbr-b.telkom.net.id]
Opera/9.26 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)
š \“ñš ‹Lã‹ã”吧!! / —k˜®婷 [Asia]
DŠô“VŸ“˜Ò—¹呢!!ŋߊŊ®u‰©¨”VŠÝ·ú”V“Vv,^“I¥”ñíŠìŸc‘×êi呢!’·‘¾”VŒãŠÒ¬—¹ˆêˆÊƒšF‵¤Œ,DŠó–]”\ÝŠÅ“ž—Lè‘×êiŒã㔓IᢓW,¬–ìŽåã¿您’ñ•M吧!‰ä˜ð‹‹你ŸÞŸÞ“I‰Á–û“I!!‵ Œ~‰Á–û唷~
No.1369 - 2008/04/08(Tue) 00:05:51 [211-75-91-3.HINET-IP.hinet.net]
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Alexa Toolbar; mxie; Foxy/1; FunWebProducts; KKman3.0; Foxy/1)
š (No Subject) / katherine [NorthAmerica]
Twelve kingdoms is absolutely wonderful and I would love to see it continued!
No.1368 - 2008/04/05(Sat) 09:40:09 [75-92-67-168.jck.clearwire-dns.net]
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
š \“ñš ‹Lã‹ã”吧!! / —k˜®婷
¡“V˜Ò幫¬–쬈·‰Á–û囉!!å«‘R睽ˆá—¹7”N,¬–ìŽåãŠÒ¥—Lã‹ã”’ñ•MŠ®¬‰ä˜ì”‡±˜V•S©“I–²,–²ÅI—vÁ,’A¥Š´ŽÓ¬–ìŽåãÜ‹‹‰ä˜ìˆêŒÂ”ü–²,¿您ã‹ã”Š®¬–¢Š®¬“I\“ñš ‹L吧...Ÿ“—L\“ñš ‹L“IÁ‘§,樉äœk‘zšL呢!!Œˍ‵
No.1367 - 2008/04/04(Fri) 23:49:57 [218-163-132-26.dynamic.hinet.net]
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Alexa Toolbar; mxie; Foxy/1; FunWebProducts; KKman3.0; Foxy/1)
š Please finish the series! / Alice J. Ghiess
I would love to see more of the twelve kingdoms both in novel and anime. Please make more!
No.1366 - 2008/04/04(Fri) 04:25:14 [c-71-236-96-99.hsd1.pa.comcast.net]
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/
š \“ñš ‹Lã‹ã”吧!! / —k˜®婷 [Asia]
ŠeˆÊŒßˆÀˆ¢!!¡“VÆ—á‰ß˜Ò幫¬–쬈·‰Á–û!!Šó–]¬–쬈·”\ŠÅ“ž‰ä˜ì›”\“ñš ‹L“I”Mˆ¤,Ý—¯Œ¾“Iác‰º,ŠÒ^S”‡žé˜ð•s˜ð‘¢¬您“IšØ—Í??¿您ã”›DŠÅ“I\“ñš ‹L吧!!•s—v樔‡ŒÂDŒÌŽ–’†Ð—¹...(S)
No.1365 - 2008/04/03(Thu) 14:53:06 [218-163-128-45.dynamic.hinet.net]
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Alexa Toolbar; mxie; Foxy/1; FunWebProducts; KKman3.0; Foxy/1)
š \“ñš ‹Lã‹ã”吧!! / —k˜®婷 [Asia]
ŠeˆÊŒßˆÀˆ¢!!¡“VÆ—á‰ß˜Ò幫¬–쬈·‰Á–û,æ¨您’m“¹‰ä˜ì“I”Mî,™û™û~Ý—¯Œ¾“Iác‰º,ŠÒ^S¥”Û‘¢¬您“IšØ—Í呢??Šó–]您”\ã”›DŠÅ“I\“ñš ‹L,•s—v樈êŒÂDŒÌŽ–’†Ð—¹,‰Á–û!!
No.1364 - 2008/04/03(Thu) 14:47:35 [211-75-91-9.HINET-IP.hinet.net]
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Alexa Toolbar; mxie; Foxy/1; FunWebProducts; KKman3.0; Foxy/1)
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