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Epic Fantasy in asian style! / Seraphina [Europe]
Iエve just bought the whole series at once ... and was absolutely overwhelmed by itエs story!
Thatエs epic fantasy at best!
They MUST continue the series ... there are so many secrets unresolved!

A few days ago, Iエve also bought the first novel - the german version ( in Germany the books will appear twice a year )!
No.1177 - 2007/09/04(Tue) 06:01:31 [p5496C535.dip.t-dialin.net]
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)
I want to watch the sequel of twelve kingdoms anime!!! / Dan [NorthAmerica]
I want to watch the sequel of twelve kingdoms anime!!!
No.1176 - 2007/09/03(Mon) 23:55:02 [c-24-61-99-67.hsd1.ma.comcast.net]
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The best fantasy series ever / Willow [NorthAmerica]
I just found out about Twelve Kingdoms and the fact that it will take me -ELEVEN- years to collect the english translations as TokyoPop is going to stretch it out to one novel per year.

I'd happily buy the anime DVD's in the interim but it's extremely disappointing that buying the DVD's means I won't get the complete saga.

What happened to Taiki?

I don't want to have to wait eleven years to get the anime's completion.
No.1175 - 2007/09/03(Mon) 06:48:26 [static-76-160-250-159.dsl.cavtel.net]
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Obvious, isn't it? ;P / Canis [Europe]
I really enjoyed the anime of Juuni Kokki. Even though I plan to read the novels to get more after the anime's end I would still love to also see it being continued.
No.1174 - 2007/08/31(Fri) 05:51:18 []
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I miss Twelve Kingdoms / tingel [Europe]
I absolutely adore Twelve Kingdoms. When it ended so abruptly I was devastated. Just today I found the official German translation of the novels. I'm so happy! But that just reminds me of how much is still left unfinished. Please, continue the series! I beg you!
No.1173 - 2007/08/31(Fri) 03:47:19 [dslb-084-062-038-197.pools.arcor-ip.net]
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Please continue the series...おねがいします.. / Styx Boatman [Asia]
It'll be an utter shame if NHK didn't continue animating these light novels. The story is rich and complex, the characters are very engaging, and when it was animated it was well portrayed in that new medium. The last episode left a lot of fans hanging. Please, oh please continue animating it. This anime masterpiece must have the benefit of resolution that it deserves.
No.1172 - 2007/08/30(Thu) 17:21:16 []
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The Twelve Kingdoms is awesome! / Priscilla LaBauve Farley [NorthAmerica]
I love the Twelve Kingdoms! Please, PLEASE CONTINUE TRANSLATING THE BOOKS AND THE ANIMATED SERIES!!! My twin sister introduced the 2nd Volume of the animated series to me, and I fell in love with it. It is a beautiful masterpiece. I have now bought the 1st volume and the first book. I am very disappointed that only Fuyumi Ono's first book has been translated into English and published in the U.S.. I would love to read and own the whole collection. Ono is a wonderfully imaginative novelist. I would love to read any other works by her. Everyone I have introduced the Twelve Kingdoms toloves it and is awed by the beautiful animation of the anime series. Even my mother and my best friend's mother love the series. It has many valuable moral lessons to share. I will continue to introduce the Twelve Kingdoms to friends and family. Please continue to share Ono's enchanting work with the U.S. and around the world.
No.1171 - 2007/08/28(Tue) 06:39:40 [43-70.host.sbc.edu]
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Keep up the good work! / Pamela Farley [NorthAmerica]
The Twelve Kingdoms is one of the most intricate, unique, and beautiful stories I have ever encountered. The story teaches many meaningful lessons and the anime version of the story is a delight to watch. Fate seems to have led me to find The Twelve Kingdoms because I had never heard of it until stumbling upon volume 2 of the anime and buying it on impulse (despite the fact that it was the second volume rather that volume 1). After watching volume 2, I was enchanted with the story and searched until I finally found volume 1. Why haven't the episodes continued when the anime version of The Twelve Kingdoms is such a masterpiece? This lovely story must be continued! I understand that the drawings and animation for The Twelve Kingdoms is a very demanding job to undertake because it is so detailed but the previous anime would be for nothing if left without a proper ending. I have also been searching for the English translation of Fuyumi Ono's 11 books. The first translated book was FINALLY released in the US this year! PLEASE CONTINUE the ANIMATED SERIES and TRANSLATE Fuyumi Ono's BOOKS. YEARS have gone by and I am still waiting for them. Thank you for all your dedication and hard work. I hope you will be able to continue and eventually complete this wonderful tale.
No.1170 - 2007/08/26(Sun) 16:11:51 [43-75.host.sbc.edu]
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(No Subject) / Morva Ádám [Europe]
12 Kingdoms is so damn hot. I'd kill for a continuation ^^ (really :F)
No.1169 - 2007/08/26(Sun) 04:47:40 [adsl-59840caf.monradsl.monornet.hu]
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
(No Subject) / Leong [Asia]
Please continue the story. Thank you.
No.1168 - 2007/08/25(Sat) 22:31:28 [bbcache155-74.singnet.com.sg]
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
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