Welcome to Guestbook of Shiro Kotobuki's website.
wonderful work / Inexed
Hello and thanks!^_^ Sir your work is a trully piece of art.Thanks for making the day of those that see your hard work better !


No.17 2010/01/24(Sun) 19:46:30
Re: wonderful work / Shiro Kotobuki
Hi, Inexed-san. I’m Shiro Kotobuki Webmaster of this site.

Thank you for your message.
I get courage from your message.
And I hope you would get happy!
Thank you!

See you next. Shiro kotobuki.

No.18 2010/01/24(Sun) 19:47:07
You are a Inspiration for my Life / Ronan Baldassi
I’m a brazilian, and your fan.
I love your illustrations!!
Your works it´s a very, Very, VERY expressive!

This is a photo of Aline (brazilian girl), for your studies and illustrations.

You are not a human...... you are a ANGEL!!
God bless you.

No.15 2010/01/24(Sun) 19:45:00
Re: You are a Inspiration for my Life / Shiro Kotobuki
Oi. Ronan Baldassi-san. eu sou Shiro Kotobuki.
Thank you for coming from the opposite side of the earth so far!

Thank you for gift,
It had courage and motivation.
Oh! so beautiful !
I think Brazil produces many wonderful culture,
For example, Football, Blazilian Vale Tudo, Rio’s carnival etc,
But, Beautiful women will be admired most.!

At present, on other works,
I can’t update my website..
I am very sorry.
I will show a new work near.
Please wait a little more.

Muito Obrigado.

No.16 2010/01/24(Sun) 19:45:33
Konnichiwa Kotobuki-san ^ ^ / Natalie
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu. O genki desu ka? Gomen, watashiwa nihongowo amari umaku
hanasemasen. (^ ^);; Watashino iukotoga wakarimasuka? Anata wa eigo o hanashimasu ka?

Watashino namaewa Natalie desu. I am a girl student from the U.S.! When I first saw your artwork, I thought it was very kawaii and sexy. Kirei desu!! But then I saw a video of your story, and I was so amazed and shocked! o.o I never would have known that you could draw such beautiful pictures with your mouth! Shinjirarenai!!! You must be a very talented person to draw like that. Your story is inspirational to me and many others. It shows that as long as you have hope and keep trying, you can accomplish anything! Never give up! ^____^

I love to do artwork myself, but only drawing on paper, not on the computer. I wanted to learn though, so I bought Photoshop CS recently. I was worried at first because it seemed very confusing, but when I hear of your story, it gives me hope and I know that I can do it! I will keep trying to learn to draw with Photoshop and improve my skills.

I really love Japanese artwork and culture, and my dream is to one day travel to Japan! I hope that I can do that someday, so I am practicing my Nihongo... not that good yet though! But I will keep at it.

Chotto okiki shitai no desuga? About how long does it take for you to finish a drawing? Also, do you have any helpful tips for beginners at Photoshop? Osewani narimashita!

I hope to hear back from you soon, but I know that you are very busy, so please, take your time! :) I wish you are happy and healthy and keep making beautiful drawings! Kiwotsukete ~

No.11 2010/01/24(Sun) 19:41:16
Re: Konnichiwa Kotobuki-san ^ ^ / Natalie
Hello.Natalie-san.I'm Shiro Kotobuki.
Nice to meet you. and welcome to my website.

Your Japanese is more beautiful! and perfect and very kindly, too soft.
As you want to lean Japanese, I want to learn English, too.
But, my English is a kindergarten level...(^-^;)
Next, please come to travel to JPN!

Adobe photoshop CS is very excellent application software.
But at first, You don't need to memorize all functions.
So, I am using only 50% of the functions of this software, too(^-^;).
First, let's use some kinds of brushes, a few layers and a filter.
Then, let's study other functions gradually.

Next, to be necessary is to make a favorite genre of drawing.
Landscape? Fashion design? Mechanic design? Heroic design? Young men?
Sexy girls? Cute children? Animals? Animate cartoon?
What is the genre which you like?
Let's try that first, and increase favorite genres gradually.

No.12 2010/01/24(Sun) 19:43:17
Re: Konnichiwa Kotobuki-san ^ ^ / Natalie
Thank you for the compliment on my Japanese. ^___^ Don't worry, your English is better than Kindergarten level, haha.

Hmmm... I would like to try many styles of drawing with Photoshop, but firstly I should focus on one. So, the first one I want to focus on is "cute anime style." The picture in this message is the "cute anime style" that I want to learn.

I will look at the Photoshop tips you made and study more art to learn a little. Thanks! :)

My favorite anime cartoons are films by directors Hayao Miyazaki and Mokoto Shinkai. Do you know them? I think the landscape drawing in those films is very beautiful.

Thank you for your response back! Have a great day.

No.13 2010/01/24(Sun) 19:43:52
Re: Konnichiwa Kotobuki-san ^ ^ / Shiro Kotobuki
Hello.Natalie-san.I'm Shiro Kotobuki.

"Cute anime style" is pleasant and interesting genre.
and It very fit for PC/CG drawing style with Photoshop CS.
Another good Tips....
so,you know the video of my story,
this video is TV Proguram""Dejie-no-bunpo/the grammar of Digital painting "
and is series with about 20 artists.
This TV program makes one DVD of official CG Tips( I didn't add on this DVD).
It is only Japanese version, but I think it isn't so difficult...

Directors Hayao Miyazaki and Makoto Shinkai,
I think your choice is very graceful, Intelligence, and so emotional.
"The Master " Hayao Miyazaki , I like him too very much.
My favorite films is "My Neighbor Totoro" "Castle in the Sky"
Incidentally, I'm a fan of Colonel Muska the villain of "Castle in the Sky" .
and, by the way at "Totoro" I notice Totoro didn't give back umbrella to Satsuki yet...(^-^;)

Makoto Shinkai, I have seem his film "Voices of a Distant Star" before,
so I have been amazed at this scene's high quality!
Several Landscapes , It's very Beautiful and that scenes let me Sentimental.

No.14 2010/01/24(Sun) 19:44:23
先生のフアンです。 / mari
No.9 2010/01/24(Sun) 19:40:03
Re: 先生のフアンです。 / Shiro Kotobuki


No.10 2010/01/24(Sun) 19:40:31
Hello! - sparkling / sparkling
Hello nice to meet you^-^
i am a big fan of yours and i am Korean
so i am writing in English
(sorry i can't write Japanese..)
When I saw that you draw paintings
using your hands, i was really moved.
And i wondered that whether you did a job which is related to arts(especially paintings)
before your doctos's recommendation.
Or.. did you learn such fantastic skills yourself when you became an adult?
I think i am questioning you too much..sorry.
but actually
i want to be a illustrator but
i am 23 years old and i have never learned professional drawing(except middle school academy^^;)
but i really want to be a illustrator like you
i hope that you give me a little hope
of course i am practicing myself but
i need some advise if this doesn't annoy you
Good night!

No.5 2010/01/24(Sun) 19:34:06
Re: Hello! - sparkling / sparkling
i made a bid mistake
i want to change the word, "hands" to "mouth"
i don't know why i made such mistake
i am worrying that maybe i made you angry TT

No.6 2010/01/24(Sun) 19:35:09
Re: Hello! / Shiro Kotobuki
Nice to meet you, I'm Shiro Kotobuki webmaster.
Thank you coming from Korea, so I'm little soccer fan and I like Ahn Jung-Hwan、LEE Dong-Gook.^^

You Know I haven't gone to art school or art University,
and I haven't studied specialty of art technic.
I think it is Important to get the specialty knowledge of art and drawing,
but most important skill is to master 'strong point' of drawing you likes.
for example to draw sexy girl, to draw adult wild mens, and to draw mechanical design.
and is not need many. and it don't mind other skill is weak yet.
My strong point is ...cute girls sexy girls, girls,girls girls! so only girls(^-^;)

now, I get the art offer from Client who visit my this website Incidentally and just by accident,
and who please my Illustration.
so,it is important to show own art stile such as own Homepage.
If you have , I want to see your works.
lot of thanks.and see.you next... Shiro Kotobuki.

No.8 2010/01/24(Sun) 19:37:14
You are my HERO! / Nicole
Hi Mr. Shiro! Your drawings are really awesome! I wish I could be a great artist like you. >^__^<

I was inspired by your drawings and your ability to not give up even if there are complications. That is the reason why you became my hero. ^_^ So please continue on drawing because you bring hope to people like me.

Thank you very very much for your beautiful and inspiring drawings! Hoping to see more of them! ^_^

No.3 2010/01/24(Sun) 19:31:01
Re: You are my HERO! / Shiro Kotobuki
I'm Shiro Kotobuki, and the webmaster of this site.
thank you for Visiting my website!

For many of your praise,I am really happy!
Do you draw a picture, too?
If so, we are walking the same way.
Let's walk and enjoy together.
Then, I want to try to see your work, too, someday.

I draw using a application ' Adobe Photoshop CS3'.
But, the performance of my old PC doesn't catch up with the application.
But, that is not the reason of the stagnation of my HP...(^-^;)
I am sorry that a new work can't be shown on this site .
I will want to show a new work in the near future.

see you next!

No.4 2010/01/24(Sun) 19:32:08
(No Subject) / Shiro Kotobuki

No.2 2010/01/24(Sun) 18:52:59
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